Saturday, June 28, 2008

Banning cellular phone in class

Banning cellular phone in class

According to decreasing of the cell phone's price, many people have a cell phone. So far elementary students have one . Both the primary students and the teenagers don’t know the correct etiquette to use. Now, from elementary school to high school, there are battle with using a cell phone. It is important to prohibit using a cell phone in class as well as to ban it using from driving and to forbid using it when an airplane takeoff.

In a school, using a cell phone is out of all knowledge . Needless to say cheating in a test, they take a candid shot in class . Using cell phone in class interrupts learning and getting lost the self-control only thinking send a message or playing a game. Also, those actions get interrupt other students to study.

Most of teachers said that they could not concentrate on the lesson due to the sound of cell phone bell and recipient signals of some messages. They advised that the students of observation to a cell should fall down the thinking power. They could not concentrate in class and then their score of the test should be bad . According to an expert, students lacking of the self-control happen to the symptom of intoxication. As they cannot sleep comfortable , they are deep-seated tired. Some students said that what they use a cell phone secretly is wrong because of cheating their consciences.

Many s chools are looking for various ways to ban it in class. At some school, if the teachers find that students use cell phone in class, they take it away from them for 7days. At other school, when the students go to their school, they should be turn off their cell phone. Furthermore, not to use it in class, as soon as getting into their classroom, they keep it under special place until after school. At Yongho High school in Goonpo, they block to bring their cell phone with agreeing both students and school. On entrance ceremony, they pledge not to smoke and not to bring a cell phone at school. This is welcomed by their parent.

It is time to get rid of cell phone in class. There must be complete study mood in class. The school rules should be made a more robust regulation of using it in class. A cell phone is just the communication way and is not the goods to disturb studying right. All of parents should join to prohibit it using in class. The place to study is regarded. All of student should concentrate on their right of learning.


Monday, June 23, 2008

banning handguns

banning handguns

* Columbine High School, Littleton, Colorado: April 20, 1999
- 11:10 A.M.: Two students arrive in separate cars.
- 11:14 A.M.: They go to the cafeteria and leave large bags.
Inside the bags are bombs. Return to their cars.
- 11:19 A.M.: They take guns out from under their coats.
They begin firing at the building and students.
In less than an hours, they have killed 13 students and staff. injured 21 others.
They then kill themselves

Seriousness of the problem

- 1800s(the Wild West) : undeveloped and underpoliced. the days of cowboys and guns
※ Now(modern, industrialized country) : people have guns
- Since 1963 : guns have killed more Americans than were killed World War 2
- More than 70 million handguns are in circulation
※ About 2 million handguns are manufactured every year.

-In 1998 : Guns were the cause of death in 52% of the 17,000 murders in the United States.

Reasons for the lack of handgun control
1)NRA(the National Rifle Association) is the strongest, most effective
lobbying organization in Washington,D.C
- people can own guns for hunting deer and other animals.
- opposes government control over guns, including handguns.
- at election time in helping to defeat politicians who support gun control
2)Modern society seems to it self as a continuation of the “Wild West”
- “good guys” must be able to protect themselves “bad guys”, the criminals.
- The good guys buy guns for self-defense
- People for gun control point out the good guys, their children get killed with same guns.
3) Some people like handguns- for hunting, for defence, for crime.
- handguns are small and can be kept hidden when not in use.
- can be used at a distance from the victim.
- the users of the handguns is at a safer range and less involved.

The nation needs new laws to get rid of handguns.(Solution of problem)
1)The new laws must be federal laws
2) must ban handguns altogether except for use by authorized official.
3)The penalty must be severe for criminal use of a handguns.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Defining Han-gul

Defining Han-gul

There are about 5,000 languages spoken in the world today. Language is not only a communication method but also a cultural heritage containing the nation's history and spirit. Koreans use unique alphabet called Han-gul. Han-gul is the letters of which alphabet represent individual sounds or phonemes. It is considered one of most scientific writing systems in the world.

Han-gul was created under King Sejong during the Choson Dynasty (1393-1910). In 1446, the first Korean alphabet was proclaimed under the original name “Hunmin chong-um”, which literally meant "the correct sounds for the instruction of the people." Before Han-gul was created, Koreans spoke to communicate in Korean. However, they had to write in Chinese because of absentness their letters. Therefore, King Sejong invented Han-gul to contribute to a better life for the sake of ordinary people. Han-gul is simple and easy to learn and write.

When first proclaimed by King Sejong, Hunmin chong-um had 28 letters in all. Today, Han-gul, with only 14 consonants and 10 vowels, is capable of expressing virtually any sound. The 24 letters are as follows. Consonants: ㄱ(k), ㄴ(n), ㄷ (t), ㄹ (r or l), ㅁ (m), ㅂ (p), ㅅ (s or sh), ㅇ(voiceless), ㅈ (ch), ㅊ (ch'), ㅋ (k'), ㅌ (t'), ㅍ(p'), ㅎ (h). Vowels: ㅏ(a), ㅑ (ya), ㅓ (o), ㅕ (yo), ㅗ (o), ㅛ (yo), ㅜ (u), ㅠ (yu), ㅡ (u), ㅣ (i) . The reason consonants and vowels were separated was due to their differing functions when two letters were combined to form a syllable. Consonants resemble a person's speech organs. The shape of each letter is based on the form of different sound articulation units. Other consonants based on the strength of the sounds.

It is recognizing about Han-gul is an outstanding scientific letters in worldwide. In 1994, Discovery magazine described Hangul as the most logical language writing system in the world. The simplicity of Han-gul led Korea to become one of the most literate countries in the world. U.S. novelist Pearl Buck said that Han-gul is the simplest writing system in the world. Even though Han-gul is a system of phonetic symbols, it is categorized as new level of feature system, the first and the only in the world. On Oct. 1, 1997, UNESCO designated Hunmin chong-um as world archive property. Koreans commemorate the creation of Han-gul every year on October 9.

Currently, Han-gul is spoken by 48 million people in South Korea, in addition to 24 million in North Korea and several million Koreans living in other countries like China(1.9 million), the United States(1.5 million), Japan(710,000), and the former Soviet Union(450,000). In terms of user's population, the Korean language is in the 12th place among several thousand languages in the world including Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, English, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, German, French, and Malay-Indonesian. According to recently statistics, Han-gul is being taught in about 50 American and Canadian universities, with more being added each year. It is also taught at more than 20 universities in Europe, East Asia, and Australia.

Han-gul is one of most scientific language in the world. Korean should maintain their nation's identity by keeping Han-gul. Also, as Korea plays a greater role in world economics and politics, it is becoming more and more important for the international community to understand the Korean people and Han-gul. Korean can be proud of Han-gul.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

The effects on my life of taking a Global Business Course

The effects on my life of taking a Global Business Course

The change of the life pattern gives us different thoughts and various experiences. I have worked enthusiastically as a public servant for 20 years. In those periods, I never hadan opportunity to learn for along-term without working. On the morning of March 31, 2008, at the University of Seoul, I started to take an English course; a Global Business Course. I have experienced of a change of my daily life, changing of the view about the work and changing of my method of studying.

One of various changes in my daily life is much more time to takes care of my children than before. When I worked in my office, I always went out the first man at my house. I prepared breakfast in early morning and I didn't have it and didn’t care my children. After taking this course, because I don't have to go to school early, I have breakfast with my family. Besides, I can help my children going to school. After the arrangement of the morning affair, I leave my house joyfully. Also, as I come back home regularly, I can communicate with my children any time or pick my children up finishing their late lessons. Sometimes, I have a free time on Saturday and meet my children’s teacher to talk about their school life or future.

The points of the view about the work has changed. In my office, I worked to consider team’s opinion and helping each other toward same goal. When I planned this course, I tried to be organized well and to achieve the goal of my company.It should be considered not as a part but as a whole. However, since I attend to as a student in this course, I get changing the view of this course. I think the need of individual’s advance aim in addition to contributing the company’s role. To succeed in this course, it is important to consider about the personal specific point. When I go back to my office, I will work to consider not only the result of the project but also the progress and detail situation.

My method of an English studying is getting changed. Before knowing this course, I thought that the most important skill is the speaking in English. But I changed my mind after attending this course; learning writing, reading, business conversation, pronunciations, etc. I knew all of the ways are necessary to improve English. I will try to study in various parts simultaneously. What just one food have is as bad as to overeat. I should to take foods all around. Like have the food, I must study English all way at once; to listen, to read, to write, and to speak

The effects of taking this course on my life get changing as an attentive mother, changing of the view of the work and changing of my method of studying. Even though I have pleasures and stresses different during the education from working in my office, I will enjoy this time as I received it in compensation for my efforts


Monday, June 9, 2008

Protests turn violent as South Korea beef crisis mounts

Protests turn violent as South Korea beef crisis mounts-International Herald Tribune, June 8, 2008

SEOUL: South Korean protesters fought with the police, tried to overturn riot-control buses and smashed their windows Sunday amid a deepening political crisis over U.S. beef imports, hours after their president appealed to Washington for help in easing growing public anger.

A pledge from President George W. Bush on Saturday to address health fears over beef appeared to do little to calm the protesters' ire at President Lee Myung Bak of South Korea for agreeing to an import deal.

The violence occurred early Sunday after a crowd estimated by the police at about 40,000 rallied Saturday night in central Seoul against an April agreement that they say fails to protect against beef potentially tainted with mad cow disease.

The demonstrators attacked police riot buses lined up to barricade streets on a key central artery, throwing objects, using ladders to smash windows and trying to overturn the vehicles. Clashes ensued, with protesters hitting the police with sticks and officers striking back with riot shields. Some demonstrators were injured and taken away in ambulances. Officers also suffered injuries, and 11 protesters were detained for questioning.

The protests followed a familiar pattern - a largely peaceful main rally that turned violent as crowds thinned and the remaining protesters confronted the police.

Lee's fledgling government has been battered by daily protests over the April 18 agreement to resume U.S. beef imports - banned for most of the past four and a half years over fears of mad cow disease.

The largest crowd yet - which the police estimated at 65,000 - rallied Friday night.

Late Saturday, Lee's office said that Bush had pledged to come up with measures to ensure that beef from older cattle - considered at greater risk of mad cow disease - is not exported to South Korea. Bush made the remark during a phone call with Lee, the government said.

The White House did not respond to requests for comment on South Korea's statement.

In Washington earlier, a White House spokesman, Gordon Johndroe, said Bush had assured Lee that the U.S. government "is cooperating closely with the South Korean government and ready to support American cattle exporters as they reach a mutually acceptable solution with Korean importers on the beef trade."

Lee remains caught between a pledge to his country's most important ally and South Koreans' anger over the agreement. Protesters claim that Lee ignored their concerns about food safety and gave in to U.S. demands to help ensure passage in Congress of a bilateral free trade deal struck last year.

Both the South Korean and U.S. governments have repeatedly said that American beef is safe to eat. Protesters demand that the agreement be scrapped or renegotiated to prohibit imports of beef from cattle 30 months of age or older.

Lee said Friday that demanding a renegotiation would trigger a trade dispute with Washington that could affect South Korea's export-driven economy.

U.S. beef has been largely banned from South Korea since the first case of mad cow disease in the United States was discovered in late 2003. Two subsequent cases were found.

Scientists believe the disease spreads when farmers feed cattle recycled meat and bones from infected animals. The United States banned recycled feeds in 1997. In humans, eating meat products contaminated with the illness is linked to variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a rare and fatal malady.