Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Line gragh discription(rewrite)

Line gragh discription

This graph shows of the trend in guilty crime between January and May.
In Jan, even though the numbers of crime started about 420, it decresed continuously until Apr and leveled at 370. And then, to May, it has maintained about 370

The graph shows the number of cell phone use between 1996 to 2002. The total cell phone use has been rising steadily since 1996, except for a two-year period (1999 and 2000, this period of the numbers drop slightly.) And the use for women and men seems to be quite similar with very small different between them.
Down Jones Industrial in DAJA started at 2,000 in 1965 and increased steadily at 4,000 until 1995. Then it elevated up dramatically to about 12,000 in the DJIA until 2000. From 2000 to 2003, there was an abrupt drop to almost 8,000. After a slit drop, it has recovered to about 11,000.

It started at 30 in Jun 2007 and show maintained up and down the price at 30 in Dec 2007. It reached a peak about 37 and slighty fell down about 34 and this price maintain during 2 month, then recovered rapidly about 36 in Jan 2008. After recovering, it decreased suddenly about 27 until Fer 2008. Finally it fluctuated more and less until Jun 2008.

People in a store entered 2 persons at 10:00 am. It increased dramatically 22 persons at 1:00pm. And at 3:00 pm, the number of person decreased sharply, then maintain steadily 4 persons until 6:00pm.

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