Saturday, June 7, 2008

To reduce a divorce

To reduce a divorce

people should prepare the attitude thoroughly how to live in a marriage before married. After married, they should recognize the difference from each other and make up for their weak point together.

Most of married couples have considered getting a divorce once or several times during the married life. Before people married, all of them understood just a “love”. But they should solve some problems which it happens from their life. Even so, all married couples having some problems could not get divorce. To reduce a divorce rate, people should prepare the attitude thoroughly how to manage their marriage before married. After married, they should recognize the difference from each other and make up for their weak point together. In the light of these preparations, who will not live with getting marriage until an old age?

If people determine to marry, they should think possible situations during their marriage life. Two persons should become the owner of family; to share various household, to adjust other relative, to take care of their child, and to spend time with their family. To teach the ways how to good couple and parent, there are the ways how to control their family that is so called ‘a father school’, 'a mother school', and ‘a couple school’. It is the place teaching a duty and a role for a preliminary father(mother) or couples who already gets married. Whether they learn by themselves or learn by school, they should prepare to keep happy marriage life for themselves.

And then they should recognize the difference. There are original different from a man and a woman. As they have a different way of thinking, they solve the problem differetly. Also, because they feel a different emotional expression of the love or complain, they sometimes misunderstand each other. For example, in generally when a man has a problem, he gets off a conclusion quickly and think to solve the problems. In the contrast, a woman considers until background. When the similar situation happens, she is angry with concerning old fault. It is to reduce the divorce rate that they understand this gap and narrow it to communicate continually.

After understanding their difference, they could supply their weak points each other. They get known their weak point from he numerous collisions or without any troubles. So they rarely think to separate even if they will get angry. Recently, as to a survey, there are also couples to get remarrying the original partner as same as divorce ones. As soon as they separate with their family, they recognize the family’s value. Even though late, they start over again their relations. If they become the strong supporter who is filling with the weak point, the divorce could be assuredly reduced.

It designated “married couples’ day” on May 21st every years. It means two (man and woman) combine with one(couples). In my opinion, the divorce ratio will reduce if people should prepare the attitude thoroughly how to live in a marriage, to recognize the difference from each other, and to make up for their weak point together. In conclusion, to practice three options, it will be not only reduced a divorce ratio but also improved a family’s value.

1 comment:

sunggyoopark said...

Hi, Amy
It is raning outside.
Did you have a good weenkends?
I'm very sorry to be late for my comments.

Your essay is very good to understand clearly. However I can see some things to be corrected for your excellent essay.
At third and foruth paragraphs, topic statements are placed at the end of each paragraph. I think if they move to the beginning of parts, they will be better.
Your second paragraph is one of good example. You can do it like your second one.
Take care.