Sunday, May 11, 2008

About mobile phone

Mobile phone is a useful device that they can use anywhere, anytime.

Recently, to change the time rapidly, people want to know the more and faster new information. Mobile phone is a useful device that they can use anywhere, anytime.

First of all, mobile phone is gathered conveniently what to need. There are many uses of mobile phone. To say nothing of a call, it is to send messages and to receive, to take a picture, to listen to the music or other mp3 file, to play game, to find internet information, to schedule arrangement, to service bank’ affair, to pay the bus fare, to find their kid’s location. The mobile phone mixed up various electronic manufacture; telephone, camera, video, MP3, electronic dictionary, calculator, clock, game machine, GPS, etc.

It is also possible that the mobile phone get to effect conveniently, easy and safety. First, the mobile phone has the efficiency to multitasking anytime, anywhere. In my case, it identifies the mobile with me. I wake up to hear mobile alum and to confirm today’s memo in it. And then when I go to work, I listen to some music or an English expression by my mobile in the subway. Sometimes, I check my child’s location to know what to happen. Without the mobile phone, my life style would be very confused. Second, the mobile phone can communicate easily anytime, anywhere. It is as small and portable device as to handle in one hand. Even though have many useful, lots of people are worried about the security. Third, it have security device like a personal identification number to can reduce the anxiety about personal information’s loss.

According to their taste, the shape of mobile phone has changed. It has the shape of the folder, the slide, PDA, the touch screen, even the watch, etc. And it has various colors to can be satisfied with a lot of people’s taste. Also it is a flat and has a small screen to watch the TV to call video seeing the partner’s face.

Before mobile phone is used widely, people send the personal message by the beeper. The beeper gives from a one-way to a one-way text service even though a portable device. It is rarely used today. Recently, the world’s major company of mobile phones is Nokia, Samsung, LG, Motorola, etc.

Nowdays mobile phone is necessary for modern people crowded schedule of life. And it is getting more convenient and variety in function than now.

1 comment:

kwang-hyun chun said...

I can understand well about mobile phone through your writing. I think that your writing is consisted of definition, function, effect, character, example and conclusion. You well used adverb to link sentences. However, I want to suggest several things by peer editing.

In 2th line, most of people want to know faster new information
In 4th line, what's mean?
In 5th line, it is to send and to receive messages → to send messages and to receive
In 6th line, to pay bus fare or subway fare
In 10th line, what's mean?
In the third paragraph, It is small to handle in one hand easily and portable device.
→ It is as small device as to handle in one hand
in the first sentence of the fifth paragraph, According to suit → According to suiting.
to can be ? → to be able to be
it is rarely used today → So, it is rarely used today.

I'm afraid that I can't be confident of my editing. However I hope that my working may give you help.

See you on tuesday.