Tuesday, May 20, 2008



1) 비교급의 구문「A ~+비교급+than+B」의 비교급 구문은「A가 B보다 더 ~하다」라는 의미를 갖는다.
• This game is more exciting than that one.
• She is more beautiful than her sister.
• I can speak English more fluently than my brother.

※ 비교급 구문의 than 이하에서 앞부분과 중복이 되는 말은 생략하는 것이 원칙이다.
• Mike likes me better than Ed (likes me).
• He is happier than (he was) before.

※ 비교의 대상이 되는 것은 문법적으로 동등한 것이어야 한다.
• The climate of Korea is milder than that of Canada.
cf. The climate of Korea is milder than Canada. (X)

2) 비교급의 강조 much, far, even, still, a lot 등을 비교급 앞에 쓰게 되는데「훨씬, 더욱」의 의미를 갖는다.
• It was much worse than I thought.
• His picture is far better than mine.
• She acted even more cleverly than usual.

(1)「두 개 중 더 ~한」의 의미로 쓰일 때는 비교급에 the를 붙인다.
• This is the heavier of these two bags.
• This computer is the better of the two.

(2) the greater part of ~ (대부분의 ~),
the latter part of ~ (~의 후반부),
the younger generation (젊은 세대),
the upper class (상류계층) 등과 같이 비교의 대상이 없이 막연히 그룹을 지어
「~한 편의 것」이라는 뜻으로 쓸 때는 비교급 앞에 the를 붙인다.
• His family belonged to the upper class.
• The latter part of his play was so boring.

(3)「the+비교급」의 형태로 쓰이는 관용적 표현들
◎ as + 원급 + as ∼
는 <∼만큼…한(하게)>의 뜻으로 <동등비교>
• EX)Yu-mi is as tall as Mi-na.
• EX)I run fast. + In-ho runs fast, too.
→ I run as fast as In-ho.

※as ∼ as의 부정문은 로서
EX)She is as old as Yu-mi. → She is not as old as Yu-mi.
EX)I study as hard as Tom. → I don't study as hard as Tom.

◎ one of the + 최상급 + 복수명사 <가장 ∼한 중의 하나>
• Seoul is one of the largest cities in the world.

◎ 비교급 + than any other + 단수명사 = 최상급
• She is taller than any other girl in her class.
• = She is the tallest girl in her class

◎ the+비교급, the+비교급 (~하면 할수록 더 ~하다)
• The more, the better.
• The higher we climb, the colder it becomes.
• The more we know about him, the better we can understand his novels.

◎ all the+비교급+for/because of = so much the+비교급+for/because
• I love her all the more for her beauty.
• I like him all the better because of his honesty.

◎ not more than(기껏해야, =at most)
• not less than(적어도 ∼이상, =at least),
• no more than(겨우, =only),
• no less than(∼만큼, =as much as)

※not은 강한 부정어이다.
• She is very poor; she has not more than $500.
• She is very rich; she has not less than $500.
• He gave me no more than $500.
• He gave me no less than $500.

◎ no longer(더 이상 ∼아니다, =no more)
• cf.not longer(길이가 더 길지 않다)
• He is no longer a young man.

라틴계 비교급 : superior to / inferior to / senior to / junior to
• He is superior to me in English

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