Friday, May 2, 2008

Last weekend

Kenny's wedding ceremony

Last weekend, I had special experience. I attended to my English teacher, Kenny's wedding ceremony; Korea traditional wedding is attractive spectacle to me.

It was strange weather. In the morning, it was sunny day, But before the ceremony just start, it was raining. and then during the ceremony it was heavy raining. Marvelously, as soon as the ceremony it was clear sky. Oh, dear!
In my oppinion, as to be grown up well the plants in the spring, it is need sufficent water. Therefore, this ceremony was blessed and the bride and groom will be happy forever. Even though it was a heavy rain during the ceremony, all of people including the Kenny and his wife delighted all the time in wedding ceremony.
Koean traditional cecemony was complex in order and interesting.

Briefly put in order the ceremony.
The ceremony started the Korean traditional percussion quartet,"Samulnori" to celebrate and add to it.And then both of mother light a candle on the wedding table. Later on the order, Kenny entered riding in a sedan chair with hidden his face the back of the fan. After entrances of Kenny, beautiful bride entered hidden her hands back of traditional fabric.

First, the groom walked to the east side of the wedding table. Then the bride walked to the west end.
The bride and groom then faced each other across the wedding table. The helpers washed the hands of the bride and groom. The washing of their hands symbolized cleansing themselves for the ceremony.
With the aid of her helpers, the bride bowed twice to the groom. With the aid of his helpers, the groom bowed back once to the bride. The bride then bowed two more times to the groom, who bowed back once more. They finished by kneeling down and facing each other. The bowing represented the promise of commitment to each other.

Second, this part of the ceremony had two main variations, due to regional differences. The first variation had the couple drinking from the same cup, with their assistants passing it back and forth between bride and groom. The second variation had them drinking from separate halves of a gourd. The drinking signified the destiny of the new husband and wife, as well as their harmony together. Using two halves of the same gourd further symbolized that the bride and groom each made up one half and only together could they be considered whole.

Third, as soon as the congratulator shouted the well wishing remark;" Pray to make a living well and to have 12 babies", Kenny's friend let fly the chickens.
A male and female chicken (one wrapped in a blue cloth, the other in a red one) sit on or under the wedding table. One meaning is the symbolism associated between roosters and the morning. The crowing of the rooster marked the beginning of the day, a bright, fresh start, just like the marriage should be. The crowing of the rooster also told the evil spirits that day was coming and they had to disappear. The rooster in the wedding ceremony marks a hope that evil spirits will go away and not trouble the new couple.A secondary meaning represents the hopes that the couple will have many children, very important in a traditional agrarian society. As productive chickens made many eggs, thus should the new bride produce many children.

Finally, the groom and bride joined together and bowed three times: once to their parents, once to their ancestors, and once to the guests.
After bowed, the groom and bride had walking on the unfolded carpet in the middle of the ceremony. The same time, all of congratulator throw some rices and red-bean to pray for the groom and bride future(IT IS VERY INTERESTING).

1 comment:

Craig said...

Excellent description of the whole event! It sounds like it was a great time. I wanted to go but was unable to make it.