Thursday, April 24, 2008

Annie's Mailbox

Jealous hubby

Dear Annie: My sister won dancing lessons for two. Her husband couldn't go because of his work schedule, so she asked me. I agreed and asked my husband if he'd like to take the classes along with us, but he wasn't interested.
Sis and I really enjoyed the lessons. Since we weren't a couple, we were paired with different men who didn't have regular partners. I danced several times with "Joe" and we made a good team. Another session is scheduled to begin, and Joe wants me to sign up as his partner so we can enter competitions at local studios.
Here's the problem: My sister isn't able to attend the next session because she is helping her daughter for a few weeks. My husband is adamantly opposed to my staying in the class with Joe now that my sister won't be there.
I explained that all the lessons and competitions are held in studios with several other people present and it won't be any different than the lessons I've been taking all along. I told my husband he could come and watch, but anything that doesn't include a football doesn't interest him.
I am a 46-year-old grandmother of two. Joe is 12 years younger and in a relationship with someone. I've offered to introduce my husband to Joe, but he says no. At first I was upset because I enjoy the dancing so much. Now I am furious that my husband doesn't trust me. Should I go ahead with the lessons anyway or sit at home in front of the TV with my mate? -- Ready To Dance with the Stars

Dear Ready: It's unfair of your husband to object when he won't take the time to attend a lesson or meet Joe. Are you justified to continue? Sure, if you don't mind making Hubby jealous and think you don't respect his wishes. Or you can simply wait until your sister is available to rejoin the sessions. It might help to put your dancing shoe on the other foot and ask yourself how you'd feel if he danced exclusively with another woman. Then make up your own mind.

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