Sunday, April 13, 2008

short memory

As time to go, I would have a short memory more and more.
The the first time, I entered useful website about the education that was elevated to my children, I couldn't use it. Because I wouldn't remember the ID and password. and I asked for the Webster's assistant center how to know to find it.
After two month, when I changed my password to maintain of public security in my office once a quarter of year , I would forgot the new password to make by myself.
Two years ago, I opened an account with a bank to raised my slush fund. I used to forgot completely it. To be sure, after a moment it was solved the problem to be identified to showed my identification.
Recently, whenever it was raining in the morning and stopped raining in the evening, I would forgot to get the umbrella.
I always had a handkerchief in summer because of sweating . But I would forgot it once a year.
Finally, yesterday morning when I maked up my face in a hurry, I would put on a skin twice.
Until where to go my shot memory?

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